Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Reflection Of The 9 / 11 Dispute - 1065 Words
Jose Torres Dr. Becker English 111 Final Draft Due: September 2, 2015 Reflection of the 9/11 Dispute September 11, 2001 was a date where the world would change forever. In the morning of September 11, 2001, two full sized 767 Boeing passenger airplanes were hijacked and crashed directly into the admirably tall 110 story buildings at the World Trade Center in New York. The buildings that were damaged early in the morning proceeded to collapse at free fall speed immediately after the impact of each individual plane into the towers. There were also two more passenger planes hijacked that same day. One of the other two planes was directed into the United States heart of self-defense which was The Pentagon. The other plane crashed in the middle of an open field in Pennsylvania. This is one major event in the span of American history because it deals with the security of a powerful nation. It also affects the social and political stand point of a large amount of American voters. That is why this incident that killed over 3,000 people leads us to ask all the big questions; what really happened on 9/11? And why? As an average person we readily accept only what we are exposed to. We ask â€Å"what happened†and are told by websites such as Wikipedia and The History Channel that the incident on 9/11 was a terrorist attack led by the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda. It also explains how the buildings were structurally damaged by the intense fires that burned due to the 20,000 gallons ofShow MoreRelatedEffectiveness of International Law1254 Words  | 6 Pageseffective tool for the resolution of international disputes. Timely resolutions and unbiased resolutions are factors that determine effective dispute resolution. The definition and concept of international law, effective aspects of international law, and certain limitations of international law will be discussed in this essay. 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