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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
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Monday, July 13, 2020
The Real People (And Their Books) Behind The People v. O.J. Simpson
The Real People (And Their Books) Behind The People v. O.J. Simpson I’ve been glued to the FX series American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpsonâ€"not only because of the [largely] excellent acting and unfolding drama, but because of the question, “Wait, did that really happen?†I was in high school when my social studies teacher wheeled a big old tube TV into the classroom and basically had us watch the O.J. trial for an hour a day, week in and week out. But once I started watching the series, I realized how little I rememberedâ€"or maybe ever knew to begin withâ€"about the crime and trial “of the century.†I can’t go an episode without stopping at least three time to Googleâ€"whether O.J. really left a suicide note claiming that “at times [he] felt like a battered husband†(he did); or if Robert Shapiro really tried on that glove in court (he didn’t). Did Marcia Clark spend a weekend with Christopher Darden in Oakland? Yes! Did Robert Kardashian really beg O.J. not to kill himself in Kim’s bedroom? Yes! Did he subsequently take his children out to lunch on Father’s Day and give them that rousing “Fame is fleeting†speech? Nope. (But could David Schwimmer smell the Emmy nomination on that one when he read the script? I think we all know the answer to that.) Anyway, the show is candy for someone like me who enjoys reading both thrillers and true crime, but in the end I find myself wanting to know the real stories, unembellished by screenwriters, actors, and directors, and told in the players’ own words. So I started looking for books written by the real people involved, and there are a LOT of them. Like, hundredsâ€"from tabloid-style “I helped O.J. get away with murder†and exploitative “true†tales of hangers-on in the O.J./Nicole circle, to critically panned books by Johnnie Cochran and Robert Shapiro that don’t seem to cast any new or relevant light on what I already know. After my deep dive into O.J.-land, these are the four I’m interested in reading, and that might paint a clearer picture of all the facts . . . or not. The Run of His Life: The People v. O.J. Simpson by Jeffrey Toobin This is the book on which the series is based. Toobin himself is a credited consultant on the show, though he has acknowledged that the TV show “is not a documentary.†Now I’m curious to read the book and get just the facts, maam, from Toobin’s relentlessly reported, widely praised “nonfiction masterpiece.†Without a Doubt by Marcia Clark with Teresa Carpenter Part memoir and part exhaustive case study, Marcia Clark’s #1 New York Times bestselling book about trying (and surviving) “The Trial of the Century†is the only account by a female attorney in the courtroom. (The other female attorney was Shawn Chapman Holley on the defense team. She has not written a book about the trial, but she did go on to be Lindsay Lohans defense lawyer. These are the things we learn when writing for Book Riot, people.) When the case was being tried, race and celebrity were the flashpoints on which most of the argumentsâ€"and public opinionâ€"were built. But the FX series has zeroed in quite forcefully on the sexism that was also at play in the courtroom, and Clark is the only one to give voice to that bizarre and undignified angle of the story. In Contempt by Christopher Darden with Jess Walter Another #1 New York Times bestseller, Darden’s book is a behind-the-scenes look at not only the trial itself, but his personal role as foil to Johnnie Cochran. Though Marcia Clark was the lead prosecutor, all eyes were on the two African-American lawyers, battling it out on two sides of the table over the fate of an African-American defendant. Darden was accused of being an “Uncle Tom†on the O.J. case, but famously and consistently put justice ahead of all other issues, including race. (P.S. according to Wikipedia, the co-writer is that Jess Walter!) If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer by O.J. Simpson, with contributions from Fred Goldman and Kim Goldman Oh, what a tangled web we weave: When first we practice to deceive. . . In what is one of, if not THE most f*cked up publishing story of the century, HarperCollins commissioned O.J. Simpson’s own account of how he would have committed the murders if he had committed the murders. What the what?!? Harper eventually thought better of it and cancelled the book (and fired notorious publisher Judith Regan over the whole fiasco), but the Goldman family, who viewed the manuscript as a clear, nonfiction confession, fought to have it made available to the public. A judge awarded them all rights to the manuscript, which they published in full (all of O.J.’s words were approved by the Juice himself), along with additional essays and commentary by the Goldmans. But tellingly, the book’s cover now prints the word “If†in minuscule font, inside the “I.†Go on, see if you can find it. (And if you want to go further down this particular rabbit hole, this E online feature on the facts v. fictions of the FX series is my new favorite link.)
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Change Racial Tensions Since Obama’s Presidency - 1402 Words
Racial tensions are a prominent issue in today’s society. Barack Obama being the first elected African American president has led America to a cultural evolution. As our country grows in diversity everyday it is important for citizens to recognize the change in racial tensions across the nation. Racial tension has always existed, especially here in the South, but it has changed particularly during Obama’s presidency. Racial tensions have changed in both positive and negative ways that affect everyone in the United States. I will illustrate this by explaining the origins of racial tension, the positive changes of racial tension, and the negative changes of racial tension. Racial tensions have always been present in America and the origins†¦show more content†¦A positive aspect that has changed since Obama has become president is that there is more participation in politics from the election stand point by other races. This has been especially true by the African American community with a seventy percent increase of registered voters in the South since 1965. Although the African American vote often goes unnoticed they have influenced in electoral states in close elections and are often the deciding factor (McFayden, 8). According to the 2012 U.S. Census Bureau, African Americans have swayed voting in major states such as California, Texas, and New York among other states. In these states Obama had received over ninety percent of all votes cast by African Americans in the 2008 and 2012 elections (McFayden, 8). Another positive outlook which has improved since Obama’s presidency, is that he has inspired people of other ethnicities to be successful in anything they do. Obama has made great strides by breaking racial barriers that America had put in place (Sojka, 78). His influential leadership shows that anyone of any race can obtain higher positions of power and reach for bigger goals. Coming from a single parent home Obama showed that you can overcome obstacles in early childhood, attend college, become a lawyer, senator, and a two term president. Barack Obama guaranteed the launch of a new era in American politics (Sojka, 79). He is the epitome of the American dream byShow MoreRelatedRegardless If Society Was Made Equal Or Not Do Cultural1589 Words  | 7 PagesRegardless if society was made equal or not do cultural tensions still exist in America today? Lillian-Yvonne Bertram, a poet, and recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Poetry Fellowship wrote th e poem Skittles for Trayvon: A Diminishing Suite in Verse in 2017. The poem basically explains the Trayvon Martin incident in the representation of elements and nature. Trayvon Martin represents the singing boy who went to the supermarket to get teas and candies, and George ZimmermanRead MoreRacism in the United States787 Words  | 3 Pagesscientific theory, but a set of preconceived opinions they value the biological differences between humans, attributing superiority to some according to racial roots. Even in such ethnically diverse country as the United States, racism continues evident against people of different ethnic traits and skin color. According to Steinberg (Steinberg, 1995), racial discrimination has been the most important cause of inequality between whites and blacks in the U.S. Because of that, minorities in American societyRead MoreBarack Obam A Black Man From Kenya And A White Woman From Kansas1311 Words  | 6 Pagescredibility and support to be elected as a Illinois State Senator in 1997 and then a U.S Senator in 2004. In 2008, Obama ran for the Democratic Party presidential election. â€Å"The most serious threat to Obama’s campaign for the Democratic nomination came in 2008, when videos surfaced of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s long time pastor at the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, making inflammatory statements about the U.S. government and race relations in America†(Austin 460). Reverend Jeremiah BrownRead MoreMichelle Obam A Life2601 Words  | 11 Pagesyears at Princeton, she realized that most African American had to face how they lived their blackness and they faced challenges from both their white professors and colleagues and other African Americans (Slevin 2015:77). She encounters a lot of racial incidents that led her to reflect on her blackness. This concept of looking-glass is very present in Michelle’s life, especially during her college years, because she focuses on how other people perceived who she is in comparison to how she perceivedRead MoreCOMM292 Case Studies23202 Words  | 93 Pagespresented his takeaways. Then Martin, who had been taking notes for the group copy, asked Onyealisi if he had anything to say. Onyealisi passed because he had no input, but he looked flustered. â€Å"Who’s leading the marketing case tonight?†he asked. â€Å"Well since none of us are marketing experts,†Cooper replied, â€Å"we’re just going to have to struggle through this together.†7 For use only in the course Principles of Organizational Behaviour at University of British Columbia taught by Girish AnanthanarayanaRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagesfrom a Global Perspective 175 Final Thoughts: Excelling at the Interview 175 Summary 177 Demonstrating Comprehension: Questions for Review 177 Key Terms 178 179 HRM Workshop DID YOU KNOW?: Training Expenditures 194 Organization Development 195 Change Is a Popular Topic 195 The Calm Waters Metaphor 195 The White-Water Rapids Metaphor 196 Linking Concepts to Practice: Discussion Questions 179 Developing Diagnostic and Analytical Skills 179 Case Application 7: Timing of the Job Offer 179 Working
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sex Sells, so Why Not Be Sold Essay - 1399 Words
It is said that Prostitution is wrong because the prostitute sells his or her body. This is no different from professional athletes, they are selling their bodies. Models, sperm donors, and actors all legally consensually sell their bodies in return for a profit. Every year a prostitute is raped 19 times, kidnapped 10 times, and beaten repeatedly; yet, the prostitute is still considered the criminal. Prostitution should be decriminalized because the labor chore of prostitution is a form of work, Regulated prostitution is safer for the prostitute and their client, and people have the right of personal choice of selling their body. Sex work is not a problem; abuse, non-reportable violence, and denial of recognition as a worker are.†¦show more content†¦Nor is there any doubt that serial killers know sex workers are afraid to seek protection from police; or that the public believe violence is part of a prostitutes job description. Until prostitution is legalized, these women will continue to toil down on the ocean floor, miles away from the light, in constant fear of predators. (Mariano 3) The violence and crimes committed against prostitutes will continue and increase until there are set laws that will make prostitution a legal profession. Not only are the prostitutes getting abused, but they are afraid to contact police for help. â€Å"Prostitutes avoid reporting serious crimes committed against them to the police for fear of being prosecuted themselves. This makes them easy prey for predators looking for vulnerable targets whose absences are less likely to be noticed or investigated.†(Mann 6). These victims of abuse are not able to reach out to police for help because they are performing an illegal act themselves. What if we considered sex workers and the community one and the same? Sex workers are our neighbors, friends, family, service providers and customers, after all. Much more than a possible nuisance, the murder of women in our community seems like harm to our community. Sex workers are a part of our everyday society and because of society’s viewing of prostitutes as â€Å"lesser†or â€Å"beneath†the general population; crimes committed against them appear to not be as serious. The Regulation of prostitutionShow MoreRelatedAdvertising: Sex Sells Essay examples1365 Words  | 6 Pagesthe idea of â€Å"sex sells†. This idea promotes a hunger in the consumer for gaining personal pleasure or acceptance of sexuality by the eye catching effects of publicly baring flesh. These ideas are promoted through TV commercials, billboards, magazines, radio ads, or any type of media targeted at the mass majority of people. Every where a person looks there seems to be some type of advertising based on sex. The illusion of making one feel they want, need, or cant live without something so pleasing makesRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is The Modern Slavery1415 Words  | 6 Pages When forced into sex trafficking statistics state that 67 percent of prisoners are forced into labor, 55 percent are women and girls, and 26 percent are children that endure the conditions and harshness of this generation s modern slavery. Human trafficking is the modern slavery throughout the globe and 27,000 cases have been reported to the NHTRC hotline in the last eight years alone (Human Trafficking). Human trafficking is of all ages, all genders, and anyone can be forced into the labor. ThereRead MoreEssay on Sex Sells in Advertising768 Words  | 4 PagesA Great Moment In Creativity In 2010 Diesel released their spring campaign tagged, â€Å"Sex Sells, Unfortunately We Sell Jeans.†This was a follow up on their â€Å"Be Stupid†campaign, which helped re-establish the brand amongst consumers. The brands image was able to portray a sexy idea while still having enough humour to be appreciated by a large audience. Although the idea of using sex appeal in advertising is not new, Diesel ran into trouble with this campaign as a large number of the public statedRead MoreSlavery Speech Sample Essay1083 Words  | 5 Pagesthe world to stop child sex slavery. Give Love146 Introduction: I. (Attention-getting device): She was only a number in a room of girls, but her eyes stared through the two-way glass and into the rescuer’s soul. When they returned to raid the place, 146 had already been sold, or killed, but she’s what they’re fighting to save. II. (Central Idea): Love146 is the most deserving charity because of the work they are doing around the world to stop child sex slavery. III. YouRead MoreGlobal Sex Work : More Educated Overseas Brides And Low Wage U.s. Husbands1294 Words  | 6 PagesGlobal sex work contains different connotations for different people. For some women, it is about charting your own course and improving your life and that of your family. For others, it is about becoming chattel, another body used by whomever has the money to pay for it. For yet others, it is about marriage and migration, creating a family in a country that they hope is better suited to what they want out of life. What is certain is that globalization, and related changes in cultures and economiesRead MoreSex Slave : Http ( / Topdocumentaryfilms )1352 Words  | 6 PagesSex Slave: Far from home, drugged, and bruised from head to toe these particular victims not only have and maybe still living a nightmare, but are scattered around the world in a binding industry that is close to impossible to stop. In Odessa Ukraine sex trafficking has become more than an issue, it’s become a profitable living for many people. Desperate for money or sold without a clue, these women have become part of a devastating cycle. With a group ofRead MoreGlobal Sex Work Different Connotations For Different People1324 Words  | 6 PagesGlobal sex work different connotations for different people. For some women, it is about charting your own course and improving your life and that of your family. For others, it is about becoming chattel, another body used by whomever has the money to pay for it. For yet others, it is about marriage and migration, creating a life in a country that they believe is better suited to what they want out of life. The men involved with these women are also looking for different things. Some are lookingRead More Child Prostitution In Asia Essay742 Words  | 3 Pagescommonplace in Asia. In the February 1995 issue of World amp; I, Christopher P. Baker discusses his findings in the article, Kiddy Sex-Luring the Tourist for Love Beneath the Palms. In Asia more than half of the working prostitutes are under the age of 16, many of those are under the age of ten. Most people who hear the staggering statistics, just like me, ask why. There are many answers, and none of them could possibly justify the sexual exploitation of children. Many tourists and locals for thatRead MoreBurger King Super Seven Incher Advertisement in Singapore Essay examples1077 Words  | 5 Pagesfor a large-sized sandwich turns out to have such an explicit underlying meaning. Slammed as â€Å"distasteful†and unappetizing due to its obvious references to fellatio, many people spoke up against the advertisement and asked for it to be taken down. Why, you ask? Let’s take a look. (See Appendix A – Figure 1) Appendix A: Figure 1 The advertisement in discussion is a print advertisement for a limited time promotion of the ‘Super Seven Incher’. This advertisement was put up at public locations suchRead MorePersuasive Essay On The American Dream1742 Words  | 7 Pagescharge and people became property. However, the slaves did not agree to this system because their rights were being violated. Thousands of immigrants traveled to America, searching for many types of freedom, provoking the idea of the American Dream. Even so, slavery was still apparent in many countries, including America. Many rebellions ignited revolutions and civil wars, specifically the American Civil War, which created sectionalism in America and almost destroyed the young country that was full of
P unit Free Essays
I will also be talking about nature and nurture and how It relates to some of the life stages. The PIES are what everyone needs when they are growing up and get to their full potential they are: physical, intellectual emotional social. Physical needs are things like sleep, food, drink, air, warmth, shelter, reproduction and safety form danger these are things that you cannot live without and need to survive. We will write a custom essay sample on P unit or any similar topic only for you Order Now Intellectual Is the second need In life Is the need to learn, face challenges, Interests and hobbies. The third need is emotional needs this is things like: respect to you and others, identity, self-esteem and self-worth. The final need is social this is when you need to feel a ensue of belonging, such as a relationship with someone, affection, family, a work group, and love. Development from O-death physical, Intellectual, emotional and social Conception and birth In the physical stage you are constantly growing In terms of biological cells growing from a cluster in the fallopian tubes to an embryo. By 8 weeks the embryo develops Into a fetus inside your mother’s womb and develops tissues, limb, organs and senses, this process ends when your mother gives birth to you. In the Intellectual stage you do not learn anything as you do not thing. In the emotional stage you start o grow an attachment to your mother but you cannot have any self-work or concept as you cannot learn. In the social stage you grow a close relationship with your mum as she Is carrying you and her body Is feeding you this Is the only relationship that you develop in this stage as you have not been born yet so there for cannot build any relationships. You may feel a sense of belonging during pregnancy but that would be It. Infancy In the physical stage you keep constantly growing and developing you grow In height and weight to become stronger this is so that you can support you self you first start y supporting your head then move on to supporting your back when you sit up then you support your whole body when you start standing up for the first time. Also your learn how to digest foods that are easily digest able at first then you go on to after you have been weaned of your mother’s milk. The intellectual stage of infancy is that the child starts to communicate with words and is in the process of learning to speak. The child may also be able to count to 10 and say the alphabet but as doing this they do not actually know the meaning of what they are saying an example of this Is If you UT a lop In front of them and then 5 x ups they would chose the ups as they think that there are more of them and do not understand the concept of what they are 1 OFF like their parents or close family and friends if this effected in the infancy then it can affect you in later life. An example of this is that if you aren’t securely attached to their mum or dad may in later life be not as able to cope with stress and other major life events. In the social stage of infancy by the age of 2 months they may start to smile and by 3 months they will be able to respond to their parent’s voices after 5 months they can recognize people that they have seen such as grandparents and family friends. They start to form an emotional attachment to their parents and by the age of 30 months -36 months they are playing alongside other children and making friends. Childhood In the physical stage children grow constantly but they do it at a slower speed than in infancy. By the age of 4 they will be able to kick and throw a large ball when the child is 6 its head will be only having ten per cent left to grow even though its body still has ages to grow fully. They may be able to skip or ride a bike. Their reproductive organs stay small and useless until puberty. In the intellectual stage children can now think logically and understand simple logical mind puzzles. You may find that a 7-8 year old may find it difficult to mentally imagine puzzles that do not make perfect sense or riddle like questions In the Emotional stage children start to use their imagination and they begin to understand the roles that others play in their life. They start to picture them self how they want them to be (ideal self) and their parent’s relationship my how the child feels (sense of self-worth). The way that they act at school with their teacher and friends may influence there self-confidence if this stage goes wrong then in the long run and in adult hood they may feel a sense of failure or no self-worth. In the social stage young children are dependent on their careers such there parents they begin to learn social roles such as friendship and teacher student relationships. Adolescence In the physical stage the child/ adult are nearly fully grown and puberty starts to happen. This happens in girls between 11 and 13, it general happens for girls earlier than boys. Boys start puberty between the ages of 13 and 15. Puberty is the stage where the body starts to develop its sexual organs ready for sexual reproduction it is started by the release of hormones that control their sexual development. Both female and male will have a growth spurt at some point where they will grow in height at faster rate than usual. During in puberty girls breasts get larger and they start their fat layers start to increase under the skin. Also they get their menstrual periods and pubic hair starts to grow. During in puberty boys also get pubic hair as well as facial hair. Their voices break. This means that their voices get deeper in tone. Their testes and penis become larger. In the intellectual stage they are now an adult thinker and can thank through and solve complicated problems in their heads. They can work out a problem like the car won’t start as the battery if dead or it needs more fuel. They also may start thinking abstractly and be able to solve a problem without seeing the end idea. In the emotional stage teen ages start to get a sense of their own identity and their sense of self starts to develop further. In this time it may be trustful as they may not have very good self-esteem. This is linked to a person’s sense of identity. A strong sense of identity is need so that loving sexual attachments can be made. This also means that they will feel secure in the work place when influenced by how their family affect them. Teenagers have to cope with becoming confident with their sexuality and also becoming socially independent from the family. Friends are important in this stage as they help them fit it and belong in a group. Teenagers will copy their friend’s behavior and the way they dress as well as levels and cultural values. Adult hood In the physical stage you are at the peel of your physical performance from the age 18 – 28 this is proved by champions that do sport. This is because adults lose their strength and speed with age. Exercise can help you to develop your physical strength and can increase your fitness if you are overweight you will lose weight until you are fit or have a good IBM. In the intellectual stage you are already fully developed fully and need to Get a Job during adulthood this involves learning new skills, skills can also be learn at the early stages of adulthood when a person leaves home and lives independently this can include cooking and managing a home budget. And then in the later years of adulthood adults begin to react more slowly. In the emotional stages your development starts when a person leaves home and starts to be independent and self-reliant also getting a new Job means you have to behave in a mature manner and you as a person starts controlling the way you respond to emotions. In the social stage you when an adult leaves home they start to build up ewe relationship like getting a partner or getting married and having their own family they start to love in different ways they love their friends, partners, family and children but in different ways. Being in a working atmosphere means that you develop work friendships as well as colleagues. Old age and the final stages of life In the physical stage older adults are more prone to putting on weight this may happen because they have become less active but still eating the same amount of food as when they were younger. Older adults also are at a higher risk of getting disease and disability. For women menopause happens around the age of 45-60 this is when they become less fertile and are not as able to conceive children. In the intellectual stage older adults like adult hood nothing has changed other than the fact that you learn something new every day. But as you get older you may start to forget things this may Just be because of old age or because of dementia or Alchemist’s. Everyone is different so there intellectual development is different, for example someone could get dementia this could cause there intellectual development to be affected because they have loss of memory. In the emotional stages emotional development doesn’t change much but because of them getting older people can see them as less able and so that can knock there confidence as they can feel that they can’t do what they use to be able to do. As you get older, a lot of your friends and family may have passed away because it’s the end of their life. Also, older adults may be very close to someone who they had a great relationship and spent most their life with. This person may have passed away and the other person could die of heart ache. In social stages during these years there group of reined cut down and family start to become more important again. They can also be isolated and be on their own a lot of the time or with their partners and so they’re not different social groups, such as going to bingo and meeting new people. My celebrity I picked Madonna as my celebrity in her early life she was born in Bay City, Michigan, on August 16, 1958 and her full time is Madonna Louise Veronica Concise. From the age of 5 Madonna had lost her mum due to cancer but she had also Just got a baby sister. The treatment or her mother had to be delayed until the baby reached full ERM, but by then the disease had grown too strong and she passed away on the 1 December 1963. This was a big shock to her and therefore had a tough childhood this may affected her emotional and social stages. Because of the career of singing her intellectual development has developed in relation to writing songs as money coming in was more important. Emotionally; she has been though a lot and from a young age was put under pressure and stress due to finance in the family and the death of her mum. And when she got older due to all the Jobs she is physically and mentally rained because as she has become more famous she has to think about his every move as her whole life is now for everyone to see. This could cause her to be stressed, or depressed as of the media. From a young age she wouldn’t have been able to go out with friends as he would have been working as she had a Job and did a lot of ballet. And still as she gets older she has to be careful with who she trusts as because she is famous it could make her quite lonely as she needs to trust people even more than anyone else. References The health and social care LA book 1 How to cite P unit, Papers P Unit Free Essays September had then arranged an Interview with my form tutor who helped me Identify what opportunities a business degree in management would help me in she explained hat there are many Job roles and told me to research more into the Job roles and to check the new Vic website. Http://model. Enamel. 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Thursday, April 23, 2020
Why is it important for the external auditor to be independent Essay Example For Students
Why is it important for the external auditor to be independent? Essay Why is it important for external auditor to be independent? Throughout the years, banks, shareholders, possible investors and creditors always relied on the financial statements produced by a company. Since the management of a company is producing these documents it has been assumed that the managers may act dishonestly so that their performance looks better. To monitor the companys performance better the directors along with the shareholders employ external auditors to check all these financial statements for both intentional and unintentional errors. Therefore, external auditors have no motivation to produce dishonest reports, ence they are regarded as being truly independent. But can they actually be independent when their current and probably future fees are determined by the board of directors and knowing that a negative report may reduce or completely cease their future income flow? What if there is built-up loyalty or some personal relationships between the auditors and the audited company? What is the primal role of external auditors? We will write a custom essay on Why is it important for the external auditor to be independent? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Before proceeding further, it is important to note that an audit has any value to the financial statements readers, so long as the auditor is both echnically competent (qualified enough to uncover significant errors) and truthful (All mistakes are corrected and presented to the public). For all the further contemplation, auditors are assumed technically competent. First of all, the primal role of an audit body is monitoring and examining financial statements. It is to serve to all financial statements readers as a reassurance on the truthfulness and reliability of these documents. Hence the external auditor has to act in an independent honest fashion. But even if he is economically independent, why should the auditor act honestly? Independence is an attitude of mind, it is the persons independent viewpoint that protects him from being influenced and pressured by his clients. There are two groups of auditors, concerning ethical reasoning: These who take into consideration the consequences of their actions (consequentialists) and these who analyse the moral quality of the action, no matter how dreadful the consequences can be (deontologists). The latter will always be honest, while the consequentialists may occasionally produce dishonest reports. However, when economic dependence is taken into consideration (since the clients are the one who ay) the consequentialist becomes rational self-interested auditor, who tries to maximize his own economic wealth and minimize the risk related to this future income (there is a risk of being sued for negligence if the report is found to consist any significant errors). What is interesting here is that to avoid risk from being sued, the auditor may undertake additional work, hence better quality of the report. Another point worth mentioning is that different audit firms have different quality reputations- some are paid more, some less. To go further the auditing as a made by recognised supervisory bodies (organisations whose members are all uditors or accountants) with little interference from the Government. Therefore all auditors are connected and their decisions affect the whole industry. An auditor should be independent because not only does he expose himself to risk of being sued and reducing his firm reputation but also bears responsibility to the whole audit profession. Besides auditors, the one who pays the price of fraud are shareholders, employees and sometimes even the society. There are many examples when dependent auditors concealed fraud, and the results are always disastrous, examples such as WorldCom, Enron, Rita Aid and Tyco. But lets see what happened in the 6th largest cable operator in IJS- Adelphia. In the beginning of the 2002 Adelphia Communications Corporation was found guilty for fraud, amounting to 2. 3 billion dollars of concealed liabilities. The SEC (The Securities and Exchange Commission) distinguished 3 types of fraud- Hiding debt, misleading information concerning the performance of the corporation and many deceitful omissions. Deloitte was providing Adelphia with external Audit for more than 15 years, but suddenly (in the end of 2001) they stopped working, claiming that the information rovided by Adelphia was unreliable. .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e , .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e .postImageUrl , .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e , .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e:hover , .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e:visited , .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e:active { border:0!important; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e:active , .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1f30b159002e669b8f2e0cd43fcfb22e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Wwii (474 words) EssayAfter the criminal investigation conducted by the SEC, Deloitte was accused of negligence, deception and failure to reveal fraud. According to the SEC (2005), the results are Deloitte Touche LLP has agreed to pay $50 million to settle charges stemming from its audit of Adelphia Communications Corporations fiscal year 2000 financial statements. Although Deloitte wasnt pronounced guilty, it is obvious that they could have easily detected and disclosed the omissions and fraud that they could have found. If that had happened, probably he scale of this catastrophe would have been smaller and Adelphia wouldnt have gone totally bankrupt. This case inevitably shows us the importance of independent auditing. Another threat to the independence of the auditors is a phenomenon which took place around 3 or 4 decades ago. During that time the number of firms which required audits stopped expanding, the codes that prohibited advertising accounting firms were abolished, which enabled all these firms to steal market from each other. Furthermore, a lot of audit bodies engaged into consulting, bookkeeping assistance, investigation and tax advices. This trend resulted in accounting firms gaining more revenue from consulting practices than from their main role in the society- monitoring and overseeing financial statements. Thus this led to a great conflict of interests, since consulting firms are supposed to be dependent and in good relationships with their clients but on the other hand audits should be carried in an independent manner. However, money makes the world go round and auditors were reluctant to perform strict audits because they risk losing sufficiently more income than before, so they lost their independence to a great scale. Typically, this loss of ndependence was followed by the Enron and Arthur Andersen great failures. Not surprisingly, the publics trust and confidence in accounting firms started to vanish in a fast pace. Fortunately, The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 forbid audit companies to offer both consulting and auditing services to the same firm, which helped improving the independence. Nowadays, the act is still in power and audit providing firms have the choice whether to provide auditing or consulting to publicly held companies. An Oxley Act of 2002, is the business alliance between PWC and Thomson Reunters in China. While according to U. K. regulations and U. S. law business coalitions between and auditor receiving company and the auditor itself are forbidden, it has Just been announced that Thomson Reunters (audited by PwC) has already signed a contract with PWC to provide PWC with corporate tax technology in China. Apart from that, Thomson Reunters provides PWC U. K. with software for dealing with tax clients. According to Francine McKenna (2012), Forbes, Its not known if PWC receives any financial incentives or special considerations for its exclusive use of Thomson Reuters software to provide tax services to its clients in China and the U. K. PWC did provide a ignificant amount of tax services to Thomson Reuters as part of its audit. In this case it is not sure if there are any distinct violations. Maybe there is a slight chance that this will be the next big failure, maybe not. What is for sure is that close business relationships tend to have negative influence on independence. In summary, the primal role of an external auditor is to provide an independent assessment of a companys financial statements. His assessment is an assurance to the readers of the financial statements, that these statements are fair and true, free of significant errors and misleading information. It is of utmost importance that the audit performer is truly independent, to have an independent attitude of mind, because, otherwise, under the pressure and influence of his clients, the auditor may act in a dishonest fashion. .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 , .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 .postImageUrl , .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 , .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2:hover , .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2:visited , .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2:active { border:0!important; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2:active , .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2 .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubfe02d698aad017b389a4b30911f6ed2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Federal Reserve Monetary Policy EssayEvery disclosure of fraudulence has detrimental effect not only on the auditing company or the auditor who produced the report, but on the audit profession, as a whole. The auditors economic interest reduces his independence and can cause conflict of interests, which can result in dreadful failures and catastrophes. There are many regulations that try to protect auditor ndependence by limiting and decreasing the auditors economic interest. So it is important for an external auditor to be independent because in the end, the cost of fraudulent report is paid by all people engaged to the examined company, sometimes it is even paid by the society. Bibliography Forbes (2013) PwC and Thomson Reuters In China, U. K. Business Alliance Violating Auditor Independence. PWC and Thomson Reuters In China, U. K. Business Alliance Violating Auditor Independence Available at: http://www. forbes. com/sites/ francinemckenna/2012/12/21 /pwc-and-thomson-reuters-in-china-u-k-business- lliance-violating-auditor-independence/ Kim, K. t al (2009) corporate Governance, Third Edition, prentice Hall, USA SEC (2013) SEC Charges Deloitte Touche for Adelphia Audit. 2013. SEC Charges Deloitte Touche for Adelphia Audit Available at: http://www. sec. gov/news/press/2005-65. htm [Accessed 05 February 2013 Sherer, M. Turley, S. (2007) Current Issues in Auditing, Third Edition, SAGE Publications, London Van Peursem, K. et al (2007) Three Cases of Co rporate Fraud: An Audit Perspective, Working Paper Series, 94 (1): PI-43
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